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  • Titel
    Why Chuño matters : Rethinking the history of technology in Latin America
  • Person
  • Verfasserangaben
    Alejandra Osorio
  • Erscheinungsjahr
  • Seiten
    Seite 808 - 829
  • Gesamtwerk
  • Anmerkungen
    Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 824-829 Erschienen in: Technology and culture ; Volume 63, 2022/3

This article examines the over-attention historians pay to innovation and high technology compared to local production through a brief review of the historiography of technology in twentieth-century Latin America. Following Svante Lindqvist´s approach to "technological landscapes" it argues that the current history of technology in the region favors change over continuity, thus perpetuating a modernist and industrial perspective of technological dynamics. Based on a case study of "chuño" (frozen-dehydrated potatoes) production and consumption on the Altiplano of Peru and Bolivia, this article shows how historians could incorporate local and long-standing knowledge and use into the history-of-technology canon.