Bibliotheks OPAC
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  • Titel
    LGBT Refugees and the Visual Representation of Transnational Mobility
  • Person
  • Verfasserangaben
    Ernst van der Wal
  • Erscheinungsjahr
  • Seiten
    Seite 44 - 61
  • Illustrationen
  • Gesamtwerk
  • Anmerkungen
    Erschienen in: Transfers, 2-3/2020

This article examines how photographic interviews can be used to represent the life stories of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender refugees. Transnational and cross-border movements have a significant impact on the photographic and narrative self-representation of such refugees. By focusing on the example of a photographic interview project, The Story That Travelled, this article demonstrates how ideas surrounding community, citizenship, and transnational mobility are interpreted and visualized by refugees who have fled their countries of origin because of their sexuality and/or gender. In addition, this article considers how digital technologies impact lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender refugees and their experience and negotiation of borders.