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  • Titel
    Trending Transfers : a decade of new mobility studies through the lens of transmodality, transnationalism, and transdisciplinarity
  • Person
  • Verfasserangaben
    Gijs Mom
  • Erscheinungsjahr
  • Seiten
    Seite 2 - 19
  • Illustrationen
  • Gesamtwerk
  • Anmerkungen
    Erschienen in: Transfers, 1/2020

Looking back on nine years of Transfers, this essay first analyzes the journal's 141 main articles statistically, investigating whether and how much they represented the editorial team's ambition to develop New Mobility Studies guided by transmodality, transnationalism, and transdisciplinarity, in the process decentering the vehicle, the nation, and even history. Together with its hundreds of Editorials, opinionated Ideas in Motion essays and book, film, and art reviews, the journal was able to carve out a clear trend toward a well-established and solid niche within the general mobility studies field. Embedded in a narrative about the personal scholarly development of its first editor in the midst of the CIVID-19 pandemic, the essay shows how Transfers managed to offer its readers a hybrid mix of a scholarly vista on and over the edge of the field and an artistic, curatorial, and filmic and, in general, aesthetic struggle with mobility.