- 1 Melba Kurman; Hod Lipson; Sabine Lambrich
Die neue Welt des 3D-Drucks
Weinheim: Wiley/Sybex 2014; 298 Seiten; Ill., graph. Darst.
3D-Druck - 2 Hod Lipson; Melba Kurman
Driverless : intelligent cars and the road ahead
Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press [2016]; X, 312 Seiten; Illustrationen
Autonomes Fahrzeug - 3 Melba Kurman; Hod Lipson
Fabricated : the new world of 3D printing ; [the promise and peril of a machine that can make (almost) anything]
Indianapolis (IN): Wiley 2013; XIV, 302 S., [8] Bl.; Ill., graph. Darst.